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Little Mike Wazowski

Today, I did a quick little sketch of Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. while the kids were all distracted. I didn't do any coloring in yet, but I am keeping all of my original drawings in a folder so maybe when I get to the coloring stage, I'll try going back and coloring all of them. (Not to mention the fact that all of the crayons/colored pencils/markers seem to be missing in my house. -_- )

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the way this drawing turned out. It came out close to the original, I even tried to do a little shading. (I'll have to start researching lighting/shading.) I'll call this one a success, even though it was super simple. :D

I'm sure you'll notice that my two-year-old son got to this sketch before I could take a picture. He said "I draw, too?" and before it even registered, there were scribbles everywhere! I just erased what was inside the actual character. Scribbles make a unique background.

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