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Judy Hopps and Reader Request - Sunflower

I did another Art for Kids tutorial for the Judy Hopps drawing. Judy Hopps is the rabbit from Zootopia. My version of Judy definitly came out a lot curvier than the original. I did have fun with her, though! I had a small struggle with the symmetry of her legs, but her eyes came out really close! I was proud of myself for that.

Now to talk about this sunflower. It was requested by my friend Cayce Berryman. I am absolutely in love with it! This one took me about 45 minutes. It is supposed to be more realistic, you can be the judge on how mine turned out. The petals came out a lot longer than I was planning, and it may looks closer to a daisy. I tried out a little shading, just doing what she said in the video. I don't think I was supposed to outline the petals quite so darkly, but I liked it better that way. I got a little worried when I first started drawing the petals, that they were all going to be lopsided or leaning to the same side. I think I did a pretty good job! They definitely aren't all the same size, but I feel like it makes it look a little better that there is some variance.

What do you think of today's drawings? Let me know in the comments, along with any requests!

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