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Manga Girl

Today I did another manga girl. Still having issues with symmetry. I feel like her whole face is kind of skewed toward the top-right corner. The lash line in this video took a few tries for me to get to an acceptable place, and they still aren't even half as good looking as the original video (which is basically the case with everything right now.)

Also, I think I passed a small milestone! I improvised the top of the head, because it was cut off in the video. It may sound pretty insignificant, but it's a tiny portion of this drawing that I did with no instructions! And that's at least a step in the right direction. I'm going to start looking up technique based tutorials soon, such as shading and lighting and other things. I didn't do the shading on this drawing, part of it was lack of time and the other part was lack of energy.

Overall, it's not perfect, and I'm not 100% happy with the final product, but I am definitely a little happy with it! I think it's showing improvement!

Here is the video I used. It's not technically a tutorial in the traditional sense, and I much prefer the videos that people talk through the steps. It helps me to get a better idea of what I'm doing and why. These videos are also helpful though, even though they don't teach me why I'm doing what I'm doing, they are still getting my hands used to the movements and showing me how I do with different styles.

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