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Reader Request - Marvin the Martian

I'm so excited to do my first Reader's Request! Crystal MM Burton requested Marvin the Martian in a comment, so of course I did it as soon as possible. It was a lot easier than I thought. When I was searching for videos, I passed this one by because it looked intimidating. I kept being drawn back though, it was so cute! Finally, I swallowed my fear and decided to go with the one that spoke to me the loudest.

His skirt thing and feet are a little wonky, and I literally just realized that I forgot the little lines on one of his gloves. I will go back and add them in, but for the purposes of this blog, I want to keep this image for the post. While a single session of sketching may be erased, started over, or adjusted multiple times, once I put the paper down after the first day, I consider it the first draft, so to speak. And I want to share my first drafts in these posts to show the raw improvements, how my skills progress and how quickly.

Anyway, this was a fun little character to draw! Let me know what you think of him. For any other requests, leave them in a comment or put them in the contact form!

Here is the tutorial I used for this drawing:

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