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Today's theme was elephants! Elephants are one of my favorite animals, along with owls, ducklings, and kittens. The first elephant I did was not from a tutorial. I had trouble finding tutorials that really spoke to the style I wanted to try. I did a Google image search and I found this elephant that is the absolute cutest! There were a bunch of different poses for him, but I only did one.

I drew it looking at an image that I realized after was a replica of the original. I was going to try more, but when I realized the original was from an Etsy shop owner who creates these prints and sells them, I felt weird about copying them, even if it is just for education's sake. I will put the original image and a link to the Etsy shop at the bottom, with the other tutorial. You should check out some of the other prints up in that shop; I'm seriously considering buying something!

The second elephant was drawn from a tutorial. He came out pretty cute, too! (Although I like the royal elephant much better.) I made a small alteration to the toes, because I felt like his feet looked too twisted. I tried a little bit of shading in this tutorial, just what was done in the video.

Lately, I've been getting the urge to draw at random times, but the things that pop into my head are definitely too advanced for right now. I really love the style from that Etsy shop. and I would love to learn to incorporate that style into my own skills. I will have to find a way to do it that isn't outright copying, because I would never want to rip someone off, especially since I know how much work and effort must have gone into their work.

Let me know what you think of my elephants! If there is anything you think I should draw or any knowledge you'd like to bestow, throw it in the comments section or in the contact form!

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