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My Apologies!

I had to take a small hiatus from drawing and posting for a while. I decided to take a few classes over the summer, three of them. The first wasn't so bad. It was Psychology of Learning and lasted six weeks, two classes a week. The second and third were Spanish 1 and 2, taken back-to-back.

Each Class was three weeks long, but four classes a week. It was an intensive, fast paced class. Along with four 3-hour long classes a week, she also assigned homework that was expected to take us 3-6 hours for each class. Basically, if I wasn't in Spanish class, I was doing homework. I barely even had time to sleep!

But, I'm back now (mostly.) I am taking three fall-semester classes, but they will be regular paced so I'm hoping it won't consume my life. This semester, I'll be taking a research class, an introductory math class, and an art class. I took Statistics before, and I barely passed, so as soon as my advisor told me there was an introductory college math class, I jumped on it! ...Even if it is at 9:00 AM on a Saturday...

And! I'm so excited about this art class! It's a painting class. We'll be learning how to work with oil paints. I originally wanted a drawing class, but they all filled up. And of course, the day before classes started, they opened back up, but at that point it was too late for me to change because of the logistics involved in me taking an art class (because it's not part of the department for my major.) I have my first still-life painting due on Thursday. I definitely have to free up some time during the week so I can focus on future projects. I haven't even been able to start this painting yet, since I basically have to do it on campus (because it's watercolor paper taped to a huge board,) which is an hour away.

Anyhow, I'll be back-logging any drawings I've managed to get done. As usual, I'll post them to the day they were drawn. Thanks for bearing with me!


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